Monday, August 4, 2008

Stars of the Game

After an unbelievable loss to the Philadelphia Phillies in the first game of the current series, the New York Mets manage to bounce back with a much needed win. John Maine pitched 7 full innings, which he had not been able to do during his last few starts. What was even better and more positive is that Maine did not let the two home runs that he gave up in the top of the 2ND inning shake his confidence or concentration. Jose Reyes put Maine in the position to win by hitting a three run homer in the bottom of the 6Th inning. Billy Wagner returned after not being available on Tuesday night and got the save. Seeing Wagner beat Shane Victorino to first base to record the first out of the 9Th was impressive to say the least (Wagner is almost 10 years older than Victorino). Lets face it though, would anybody have accepted anything less than a save from Wagner last night after all of the trouble that is unavailability caused on Tuesday? He would have been crucified by the fans and media alike had he not been able to get the job done.

Hall of fame

Gary vs. Keith debate about when the Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony should be held. You see, Gary does not like the fact that it is held every year on a day when all of teams are in action. Keith said that if it was held during the off season, it would be too cold in Cooperstown. But that is not what Gary had in mind. Gary proposed that the day that the Hall of Fame inductions take place, be declared a "baseball holiday". Keith's response to this suggestion was none(obviously because he disagreed with it). There's no better way to keep from getting into a pointless argument with someone than silence, right?


Pedro Martinez will make his first start tonight (8/1/2008) since July 12TH. Hopefully, he will have a good start. I am not expecting miracles from Pedro nor am I expecting to ever again see the Pedro of the past. I just want him to be able to go out there and give the Mets a chance to win. I am sure that is all that he wants as well.
As far as pitchers go though, right now I am more concerned about John Maine than about Pedro Martinez. After what happen to Pedro and what is currently happening to Yankee Jorge Posada, every time that I hear about something to with a rotator cuff, I become nervous. Maybe Maine's not as severely hurt at the moment, but I would hate to see him have to have surgery that would take him out for a prolonged period of time. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

More Trouble for Pedro

The New York Mets began another series of games on the road tonight. Unfortunately, they also began their road trip with a loss. This loss was a bad one for a number of reasons. First of all, having John Maine leave the game in the top of the 5Th is cause for much concern. Actually, Jerry Manual said that Maine would probably go back to New York before the road trip is over to get an MRI on his shoulder. Manual also indicated in the Post Game Press Conference that if Maine feels any pain, they will not take a chance and he will be scratched from his next opportunity to start on Sunday,August 3. But that remains to be seen. Let's hope for the best

Another Loss!!!

Heilman Gives up GS to Loretta in Mets 7 to 3 Loss
Pedro Martinez did what he was expected to do last night. He pitched for 5 complete innings throwing a total of 87 pitches. But last night it was the offense who couldn't get it going. Sure Aaron Heilman gave up a grand slam in the bottom of the 8TH inning. But that was not as shameful as the fact that in the top of the 7TH the Mets had the base loaded with no outs and managed to score no runs. Those are the moments that one really remembers when a team fails to make the playoffs. Trust me, I have not given up in the Mets. However, last September is still too fresh in my mind for me to not look at things from a somewhat pessimistic perspective. I know that the Mets did not have Johan last year. But one player does not make a team, particularly if that one player is a starting pitcher who does not play in every single game. The everyday Mets need to step it up and not just assume that an overworked bullpen can do it all for them. The time is now!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Group Project

Tonite my classmates and I held a rehearsal in preparation to the group speech assignment. Everyone attended except Michael, he was under the weather due to a root canal. I know from experience that procedure can be very painful. Everyone was understanding of his absence. Despite his absence we to continue on without him. Each one of us Rockwell, Dolly and myself read our parts aloud to see how we sounded. Everyone gave positive feed back and constructive suggestions. I must say we did very well for the first time out. I was really impressed with Dolly's performance, after careful coaching she started to become more relaxed and less shy. Even her voice sounded a bit stronger, with a little more rehearsals we will be just fine. Although, we went over time that was originally set one (1) hour,we all walked away feeling confident in the progress that was made.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

On a roll

Yes, we are on a roll. After the lost to the Cardinals Sat. night, the Mets came back and took the Cardinals by storm. Johan Santana, Pitched a gem of a game. He had a no hitter until the 6th inning. The Mets bats have come alive, especially Carlos Delgado, and Jose Tatis. They have been on fire, hitting everything in site. Carlos Beltran made a spectacular catch in center field denying a home run, literally snatching a ball from over the center field fence. I am proud of my team, they have come a long way. There has been many dry days. No hitting, no pitching etc. this is a welcome change from the Metropolitians!!